
The theme in front of you is not what it seems.

Join the movement.


Each and every day, the Ingress community is mobilizing. From XM Anomaly Events to Cross Faction Meetups to monthly First Saturday events - Ingress is happening all around you.

Ingress Anomaly Events - FREE events you can join to play Ingress and meet other players. These events are for Ingress players of ALL levels and last approximately 4-5 hours including 3-4 hours of walking/biking gameplay and a two hour social meetup at the end. Faction specific groups sometimes plan pre-event get togethers and after-parties.


iPhone版出たらしいし、そろそろイングレスっていうゲームを試してみることにする。 まずはアプリをダウンロード。ふむふむ、なんだかSFチックな見た目。


なんだろうこの強そうなアイテム。なんかレアらしいぞ。 ただ、使い方が全くわからない。